From: , , By Bevans on Monday, October 29, 2007

Here's a little something I did for another class project. It's done entirely in InDesign, which is to MS Word as Photoshop is to Paintbrush.


I just took a screenshot from the movie 300 and duplicated it using nothing but text. It was pretty fun to throw together.

I'll probably be posting more projects here in the coming months, providing of course that I have something worth showing.
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Double-Click Geek Ale

From: , , , By Bevans on Monday, October 01, 2007

Double-Click Geek Ale: The best way to drink yourself unconscious playing video games in your parents' basement.

Well, here's the new design I was talking about last week. I made it for one of my classes (assigment: create a product label) and I think it's definitely some of my best work. I was partially inspired by the Summit logo (my dad has a t-shirt of it), which I've always really liked.

I was thinking about how currently-existing beers are always marketed as the perfect companions for watching your favorite sporting event, and since I'm not really interested in most sports, I decided to come up with something that might appeal to me. If I drank.

As always, I've slapped it on t-shirts, sweatshirts, mousepads, mugs, bags, and most of the other stuff that's available at CafePress.
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